Thursday, December 6, 2012

13 Niche Blogging Areas That Will Make You Richer

There are blogs everywhere on the internet; but not all niche blogs are fetching in money for the owners. Blogging has in itself become a way of self employment and bloggers are using a stone to kill two birds by providing quality content that would meet the needs of their readers and at the same time generate revenues for themselves.

You don't have to pick up your pen and paper and start writing all because you are aware there is money in blogging. Knowing where to go and what to expect are all important before starting your journey. It is also important to know what the people want and where you can get enough traffic to read your personal blog before starting out.

It would therefore be nice to make your research, interact with people to have an idea where people usually go online and what they spend their moneys on. We will be looking at some of the best niches where you can make revenue as a blogger (without compromising your standard anyway).

1. Technology: People are always going for what they want and not what they need. They want mobile phones, android, blackberry, iPad, iPhones, etc. Providing them with information about the latest tech tips and the latest gadgets in this area would bring a lot of cash into your pocket.

2. Icons: Success attracts friends and everybody wants to consciously or unconsciously identify with successful people in life. Cristiano Ronaldo has about the highest fans on Facebook (with over 47m fans) because he is a successful footballer. There is a ready market to talk about icons - musicians, celebrities, footballers, wrestlers, swimmers, boxers, athletes, etc.

3. Blogging helps: A lot of newbie bloggers need some form of help in the areas of blogging, HTML, scripts, widgets, gadgets, writing, SEO, etc. Providing tutorials and blogging tips would be a sure way to earn more revenues. Adding tutorial videos, e-books, etc would even make a great difference.

4. Health tips: have you ever visited a teaching hospital or a specialist hospital? One thing that would baffle you is the number of patients - males, females, adults, children, that troop in to see the different specialist doctors. Why are they visiting the hospitals? They have different problems. Providing health tips could really make you richer. Well researched topics on men health, women health, weight loss, muscle building, disease prevention, etc. could go a long way at helping people take good care of their health and at the same time earn you some cool cash.

5. Web design: Everything is going into the internet. Businesses, schools, hospitals, sports, games, just name it. They are all migrating to the internet to create awareness about their existence. So knowing how to design/develop websites is a necessity right now. If you can teach people (even web designers) how to design or develop websites and the latest ways to do it, you will be smiling to the bank every minute.

6. Marriage tips: Marriages are crumbling by the day. Divorce is on the increase worldwide. Couples need help; people in relationships need to know how to avoid the pitfalls in marriages. So why don't you help solve these problems and receive some monetary compensation for doing so? Earning may not necessarily be directly, it could be by advert placement on your busy site or by other means.

7. Business and money: Poverty is an insult and nobody wants to remain poor. Poor people are more or less orphans because they are hardly acknowledged in society. So a lot of people are desperate to get out of poverty. While don't you create a blog that would provide them tips on how to make money. Why don't you teach them how to start their business with little capital and become financially independent? I bet you, if your tips are truly turning poor people into millionaires, your site would become an ATM machine.

8. Social media: There is hardly anybody without an account in at least one of facebook, twitter, pinterest, Google+, badoo, myspace, etc. Man is a social being who is always hungry to interact with others. If you blog on social media, you are sure to attract several readers and also make some revenues for your efforts.

9. Software: Everyone who owns a computer or works online needs some form of software to succeed. People want to protect their PC from hackers and viruses, keep their online account from hackers, develop highly interactive websites, run their business on autoresponder, etc. Running a blogsite that is able to deliver latest software tips and other forms of information is a sure way to make it financially.

10. News: man is hungry for information. Having a blog that delivers latest/breaking news would also attract a lot of traffic and revenue. Find out while Foxnews, CNN, CBS, etc are all doing so well online.

11. Sports: One of the areas readers would always be visiting is sports blogs. Write exclusively on football, basketball, baseball, wrestling, boxing, swimming, cricket, rugby, athletes, etc and you are sure to get richer.

12. Funny hubs: Do you have what it takes to make an angry man smile? If you do then you can make a lot of money from that. Provide a blog that can be an epicenter for funny picture, funny videos, hilarious jokes, etc and you are made.

13. Accommodation: Do you know that several millions of people are faced with accommodation problems worldwide? Several cities and towns are over populated, and finding a place to lay one's head is not as easy. But providing a blog where people can easily get information on where to get vacant rooms or get homes to buy would be a sure bet to make money.

No blogger should remain poor if he knows the right niche to ply his trade. Providing what the people want is the best way to make it in whatever area you choose. So long they are able to get what they want from your blog, you would keep making money by the day.

Do you have other suggestion? Kindly share your points with us. Remember to share this post with your friends if you find it useful. Kindly fill out our subscription form below this post to keep getting our updates. Remain blessed!

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Blogging For People Starting Out

Blogging For People Starting Out Need Not Be That Difficult.

When you first start to write your own blogs, you may feel that you cannot compete with all these great blogs that you have been reading lately.

When you start blogging, it does not need to be a daunting prospect. What you need to do is either start writing about something you know or are involved in.

If the answer to that is nothing, then you will either need to go and start Googling some interests that you have.

Copy and paste as much information you can into a folder, with its name on it. Then you can go and start writing that information in your own words. Do not copy and paste it into your blog. Google has a dim view on that.

You are better off rewriting it in a notepad or an HTML editor, and when you have finished rewriting it, then copy and paste it into your blog.

If you like a particular actor or band, writing about them will be always to a topical subject.

You can usually find videos on them in YouTube or Vimeo or one of the other video sites. Get a link to them and put them on your blog.

When writing your blog,try to only use authentic material not rumors. You can get into big trouble if you write a blog that is actually based on a lie. You can get sued, so don't do it.

As long as you write about something that has been reported in the news, then you can put your opinion on the story.

This is a good way to get a few conversations going on your blog between people of different opinions.

Being controversial is usually good to get people to start arguing among themselves on your blog.The idea of a blog is to get people to come and read it and make comments about it.

As far as to how often should you update your blog, the jury on that will always be out. Some say everyday, some twice a day, some say write about 5 blogs and that's it.

It really is up to you. If you like to visit your blog everyday to read the comments and such, well then you may as well write a short post everyday. You cannot write too many posts.

When you have written a few you will need to set up some categories. These categories would be basically what groups of posts are loosely about.

Dogs- Cats- My boyfriend-My Day-Makeup-Music or any other groupings you can make. That makes it easier for your visitor to find the topics they are interested in, so they don't have to read every post to find out what they need.

Blog forums can give you a whole new set of ideas to write about. Just put into Google "Dog Breeding Forums" and you will find heaps. Put whatever you want between the brackets.

To get you started you can tell all your family and friends about tour new blog. The more people that visit your blog the more popular it will become.

Put Facebook likes as well as other Social buttons on you blog. This will also help to raise it's popularity.

Watching the news is a great place to get topics to write about as well. Bombs going off car accidents, new people discovered in the Amazon, a new planet sighted, some actor visiting your area, anything like this.

Just because it doesn't interest you, that doesn't mean no one else is.

After you have started writing a bit more regular, you should start making goals for yourself. Writing 10 posts a week, writing 700 word post or some other goal, as it gives you something to keep you going.

If you go to Google, you can find out what is the most popular blog topics. Go and do a bit of research on these topics and include posts on your blog about them. If they have nothing to do with your main subject, that does not matter.

The main thing is to get people to visit your blog. They may come to read that post and find other posts of your interesting too.

They will generally tell other people about your blog or may even link to your blog.

Blogging should be fun. When you start enjoying writing regular posts, each one will be better written than the ones before, that just takes time.

As long as you are happy with the results, that is the main thing.

So all you happy bloggers keep writing and keep challenging yourself.

Hope You Enjoy

Jim Doyle

Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   

Blogging With The Empower Network Blogging System

Ever wished you just had something you really wanted to do? A lot of people don't have careers that they enjoy and they wish they could find something exciting to do.

Blogging can sometimes solve that problem because it is a way to express yourself through writing and also get interaction with people who read your blog and leave feedback through comments. The Empower Network blogging system is a place where you can get a blog and start blogging and getting readers fairly quickly.

It's fun to express yourself and where you are at in your life and let people know where you want to go. People like to hear your vision for your life if it is something that you are passionate about. Most people will spend time reading blogs of people who are energetic and expressive about something, because they are just bored.

You can start off blogging about where you are at right now. What is your life like? Who are you? Where have you been in your life. These are details that are descriptive and paint a picture or create a movie scene for people to see who you are and where you come from. What you are like and what you like to do. Talk about the things you like and don't like and also the things that you really love. The things that you spend your time thinking about and dreaming about when you find yourself daydreaming.

You can get people interacting with you and what you do and some people will become excited about your vision. Not everyone will care about you or what you do. Only a certain percentage will care. But you might make some new friends and important connections from this new expression of blogging. It truly is about finding your voice and a way to get your voice and your talents and gifts out there into the world.

Then you can watch how people react when you express yourself in new creative ways. Change it up. Make your expressing bigger and brighter. Do what you do but in different ways. Experiment. Ask people who enjoy your content what they think.

But blogging with the Empower Network system gives you a platform if you decide to use it and then all you need to do is choose a direction. Choose a direction for how you will blog, the purpose of your blogging. The feeling you want people to get when they read your blog.

So if you are looking for a good way to express yourself take a look at the empower network blogging system.

Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   

Make Your WordPress Blog Safe With Effective Security Checkers

Internet marketers create websites and blogs to offer their products and services. Basically, their main goal is to earn money. This is the main reason why most of the website owners only focus on the rank of their website as well as the design and its contents. Well, users do not actually care about other things aside from the design and the contents of your website. They will not even care about the security of your blog or website. However, even if security is not your main concern by creating a website, it must be your top priority.

So why would you spend time checking out the security of your website? Some people might say that their blogs are only intended in providing information so there is no way that hackers will have any interest in it. Do you actually know the reason why hackers try to ruin websites? Do you even know what they are thinking? Most of them focus on websites with good income while some of them only do it for fun. No matter what their agenda is, your website and your reputation are already ruined once they set foot on your administration account.

Recently, the blog of Reuters was hacked by an unknown hacker and posted a fake news article. Since Reuters is a popular news site, their reputation is already ruined because of what the hacker did. The same thing may happen to you if you do not pay attention on the security of your WordPress blog.

WordPress is a secure system but software has their own flaws and security holes are often found on WP. This is the reason why WP often releases new updates. Once they found any vulnerability, they immediately make some changes and provide a new update. If you want to know about the best WordPress security plugin, you first need to understand the different areas where these plug-ins work to help you protect your investment.

All-Rounder security plug-ins can be considered as a full security checker. They check and scan the whole website and provide you with information about the possible weaknesses of the site.

Backup plug-ins is also important. You need to backup all the files and database so in case of a sudden attack, you can easily bring back your own blog like nothing happened.

Login security plug-ins is one of the most important security checkers. They will help protect and secure your username and password. They will protect your blog from anyone who will try to login your account.

Anti-virus is also important. If you think that your laptop or your desktop is the only ones that are attacked by viruses, hackers also use these viruses to attack blogs and WordPress.

These are general ideas on what to check or consider for your WordPress. You can find the best plug-ins for your WP by checking out each of the security checkers mentioned above.

Making Money Online From Home - The Correct Way   How-To Choose The Right Blogging Platform For You   Target Your Content at the Right People   Why Search Engine Optimization Is Necessary for Business   How to Schedule Great Content for Your Newsletter and Your Blog   

Usefulness of Solar Garden Lights

There are many forms of lighting today with the advancing technology. Besides the grid options, solar garden lights are growing popular to brighten up the exterior of the house. Any home with a garden can consider solar lights for the garden which can be as functional as their grid counterpart with better benefits.


Technology has advanced quite a bit today to promote solar powered lighting options for the home. This includes solar lights where advanced technology has lowered the costs of solar lights considerably to make it affordable to the average consumers and homeowners.

There are many benefits to using in the garden; they use the sun's energy which is free which in turn leads to higher savings for the consumer.

The advanced technology has kept improving the type of that are available in the market with more choices today than before. The styles and designs are more modern and attractive which are more appealing to modern day consumers than some of the grid versions.

Solar lights are easy to maintain through the advanced technology. There are no cumbersome wires with solar garden lights which make their installation neat and fast.


With variety as the spice of life, so is it with garden lights that are solar powered; these can be used in the patio, shed, garage, driveway, compound, walls and ceilings of the home. Decks and pathways are not excluded to prevent tripping in the dark. These are useful lighting apparatus to help in the easy maneuvering about the garden.

Solar lights can brighten up the garden or outside compound beautifully such as with the use of solar fairy lights that are multi-colored and twinkling. They can act as security lights by storing up the necessary solar power in the day to function effortlessly in the night for many hours. They can light up when movement is detected or when it is dark; there is no involvement of the mains power.

Homeowners who want to enhance their gardens with lights can consider combining with water features. Such lights can be incorporated into the fountains or ponds in the gardens to create a higher aestheticism for the home.

Solar lights on walls and ceilings absorb the necessary sunlight for their functioning in the day. This would increase the cost savings of the consumer who does not need to depend on the mains power to have the porch or patio lights on throughout the night.

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How To Tell If A Murano Chandelier Is Authentic

Ever wonder how Murano make the beautiful crystal chandelier that hang in all the great houses in the world? Believe it or not, they are still handmade in glass factories on the island of Murano, about 17 minutes from Venice, Italy. These century-old techniques are still used today to make Murano glass, which is some of the finest glass in the world. But chandeliers aren't made from crystal. They are handmade from glass.

The glass making techniques used by the glass makers on Murano have held their secret to glass making for centuries. They were moved to the island of Murano in 1291 because there was a fear of their glass making furnaces would start a fire. They became famous throughout the world with the glass they made. No one could make glass vases, chandeliers, lamps or jewelry like the glass makers of Murano. Today, their glass is still much sought after. However, there are many who sell "Murano glass" that isn't from the island.

There are several types of Italian chandeliers that are sold with the name of Murano, but they aren't real glass from Murano. Chandeliers can be made with three different types of glass. The first is rock crystal, which is a natural mineral from the earth's crust. They are sometimes used as imitate diamonds and are still used to make jewelry. They come in several colors from transparent quartz to amethyst to rose quartz. They are not made into Murano chandeliers.

The second is lead crystal where lead is added to the glass. It helps the glass break light into a prism of colors when struck with sunlight. It make is reflect and refract. Lead crystal is never used in Murano chandeliers.

The third type of crystal is a rhinestone or an imitation diamond. They cut them just like they do real diamonds but they are mostly used for fashion and interior design and on costumes, especially for pop artists and ballroom dancing costumes.

None of these crystals are using in making Murano crystal chandeliers. The word crystal clear came from the Italian word cristallo, which means crystal-clear. It was used when the glass makers of Murano created the first "crystal clear" glass in 1450. It was perfectly transparent. That means it didn't have any flaws, bubbles, or smoking part in the glass. At the time, it was such an awesome technology because the glass was "clear like a crystal". That word has led to many misunderstanding about Murano crystal chandeliers.

Although, there are many manufactures of glass products that claim they are Murano glass, you can tell real Murano glass from the sticker that is applied to the item. It can't be taken off unless you break the item. When you're looking for a vase, chandelier, glasses or jewelry made by Murano glass makers, look for the sticker. You'll know it's authentic and made on the island of Murano. This should be "crystal clear" to you before you purchase the item.

What Are The Benefits Of Having Wall Lights In The Bathroom?   The Importance of Selection When Shopping for Lighting   Using LED Lighting As Showcase Lighting   LED Strip Lighting - Choosing the Right Product For The Job   Appropriate Choices and Services From a LED Lighting Company   

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